We offer a beautiful solo saddle of the Fitzz brand here. The saddle has a seat shell made of deep steel belch that was powdered black.
The seat cover is made of polyurethane foam which is very dimensionally stable and fits precisely. The seat is covered with an extremely high-quality, durable vinyl. The seat has the following dimensions.
We offer this beautiful seat in 2 different widths, in black and in Braun and with different quips. To this seat we have many more solo seats and everything else to the solo - seat assembly: Saddle holder, battery covers and springs in 2 different designs and at different heights. The seat has the following dimensions: Length 14 " Width: 12 1/2 " Height: approx. 6cm We offer this beautiful seat in 2 different widths, in black and in Braun and with different quips. Fitzz Solo Seat Wide with Flames, Black, for Harley - Davidson.
Fitzz Solo Seat Flames, Wide, Thinly Padded, Black, for Harley - Davidson. Fitzz Solo Seat Narrow, Diamond Stitch Rivets, Black, for Harley-Davidson. Fitzz Solo Seat Wide, Thinly Padded, Brown, For Harley - Davidson. Fitzz Solo Seat Slim, Tuck & Roll, Black, for Harley - Davidson.
Fitzz Solo Seat Narrow, Diamond Stitch Brass Rivets, Brown, For Harley-Davidson. Fitzz Solo Seat Slim, Tuck & Roll, Brown, for Harley-Davidson. Fitzz Solo Seat Slim, Thinly Padded, Brown, for Harley - Davidson.